Pakistan today from the voice of a Pakistani Christian
Ashali Varma . I just saw the most revealing and heart rending video today from a Pakistani Christian and if after what I write the politicians of India, and some Mullahs in in this country still feel the Citizen’s Amendment Act, is against them, please listen to the many voices from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. I would think every person in Shaheen Bagh and the elite of India would raise their voices against what is happening to the minorities in Pakistan and just for their human rights would write and fill up our newspapers with the pitiful conditions of girls from Hindu, Christian and Sikhs living in that country. From the many social media outlets, the voice of Rahat John Austin, on You Tube compelled me to write about this. Austin speaks about these problems very matter of factly, and yet it needs to be heard. He starts of about the story that made headlines recently about a Hindu cricketer in the Pakistan team who was one of the best but was ostracised even while pl...